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Types of Fish Feed


Fish feed


As the name suggests, fish feed is food for fish. Its main components include protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Protein is an important food for fish and shrimp to survive, and it is also an essential part of human cells, tissues, and organs. The feed must contain sufficient amounts of easily digestible and assimilated protein for healthy fish growth, with the appropriate proportions of different amino acids. If these ingredients are lacking in the fish feed, the immunity of the fish will decline, growth will be stunted, and even die. There are many types of fish food on the market today, in different sizes, shapes and flavors. However, not all fish foods are suitable for your fish, and it is essential to determine the correct type of food for your fish.


Four major fish feed types


There are many different types of fish food on the market today. The types of fish feed can be broadly categorized into dry fish food, powdered food, frozen fish food, live fish food.

1)   Dry fish Food

Dried fish feed, also known as pellet feed, is artificially made from fiber and nutrient concentrates and is one of the most popular types of fish food for fish farmers. Producers use machines to grind feed raw materials, extrude them under pressure and heat, and then create pellets of different sizes. Depending on the formulation, a floating or sinking feed can be produced. This kind of feed is mainly consumed by fish in tropical and brackish waters. Dried fish feed breaks down more slowly in water than other types of feed. Fish have a long time to eat before food particles degrade and contaminate the water. Most importantly, the floating fish feed can allow farmers to better observe the feeding situation of the fish to judge their health status. In addition, the dry fish feed has a longer shelf life, and the smaller surface area reduces the oxidation rate.

2)   Powdered fish Food

Powdered feeds are often used in fish hatcheries to feed juveniles. The powder can be provided directly to the fish or mixed with water before feeding. Powdered food can quickly contaminate water, and fish farmers should clean it up in time.

3)   Frozen fish food

Frozen fish feed is a nutrient-dense product that is rich in natural vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, and protein to boost the immune system. Fish are receptive to fresh frozen food, which not only increases their hunger but also helps their digestive system. Like pelleted feed, frozen fish feed does not cause water contamination because it requires fewer filtration systems. Also, frozen fish feed has a long shelf life, at least two years, in the refrigerator.

4)   Live fish food

Live fish feed may be required for fish with special requirements, such as some predatory fish, and fry that cannot be adapted to processed dry feed. Live fish foods include earthworms, mud worms, water fleas, blood worms, and feeder fish. Food for larvae and larvae contains trichomonas (protozoa and other microorganisms), newly hatched brine shrimp, and microforms. Although they are hard to find, these live fish foods are the preferred fish feed type. While live food feeding is a great way to supplement protein, you should be aware of potential problems, such as parasites, especially collected in field ponds.


Fish feed Nutrition


Unlike fish in their natural habitat, farmed fish must obtain their food nutrients. If the feed lacks essential nutrients, it may not survive. Feed quality becomes especially important if you want to raise your fish successfully. However, what you need to pay attention to is whether a higher protein feed is better for your fish, not that a higher protein feed is better. The fish feed should be selected according to the actual situation, such as the growth stage of the fish, the health status of the fish, and so on. Also, don’t put too much feed because the more uneaten feed is, the more polluted the pond. If not cleaned up, it will eventually lead to the death of the fish.

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